WWE Divas Division | WrestleZone Forums

As a person who loves the diva's and follows wrestling now because of the diva's, it pain's me to see the division like this. I can't remember the last time I have been this un-interested with the diva division as a whole.

At first I thought it was just because alot of my favorites left or got released last year(McCool/Melina/Maryse) or were injured in Layla's case, but after thinking long and hard that just isn't the case. In the wrestling biz you pick a favorite wrestler and love them, follow them, cheer them, ect...but the eventually leave for one reason or another and you end up picking a new favorite. Lita left, Melina became my favorite. Melina get's injured, Michelle became a favorite...so on and so fourth.

But the WWE has made it impossible to root for anyone. Kelly, Eve, and Alicia(my new favorite)are all improving, but they all lack any sort of direction or character. Over the summer they built up Kelly but never followed through. Then you have the Diva's of Pin Up Strong.....who are suppose to be strong and fearless, yet lose week after week...or are scared of Alicia Fox in 9 inch heels and a sun dress.

WWE has made it impossible to root for anyone. No real storyling or direction...no followin g through...not to mention you can root for people if they only get a minute of ring time or known at all. Rumors claim that WWE have stopped focusing on the girls because known of the stand out or are any goood(minus Pheonix/Natayla)but who's fault is that?

If they actually hired some good characters/ring performers, invested some time, and actually wrote for the girls people would get interested again. People(even die hard marks)were generally fans of Lita and Trish. People were at one time really pumped and interested in TNA's knockout division....so don't give me that BS about nobody caring about the girls anyway. Build them up, they will succeed. With 2 shows and a webshow you should be able to fit in at least 6-8 minutes of good, solid diva time.

In the end Vince, the WWE, and the writers just don't seem to care. It's the same way the Tag Team Division was for the longest time(and even the mid card division for a while)....they don't care and are going to do what they think is best. At least NXT and Maxine are keeping me entertained for the time being.
